The HOPE Association is devoting the 1st Annual HOPE Gala to the Run For HOPE campaign, which is an effort to build two HOPE Mobile Health Clinics that will serve children in need! We believe that every child, regardless of financial means, deserves high quality, coordinated, community based, family centered and comprehensive care.
The Run For HOPE Gala will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at Angels Stadium in Anaheim. This event is an integral aspect of raising funds and awareness for our nations epidemic of millions of children that are not being cared for properly.
A task this big, can't be done alone. Can you imagine yourself running a marathon? How about 2 marathons? How about 2 in 1 day? And how about doing that for about 100 days straight?
Sounds pretty unbelievable, right? That is exactly what's happening TWO days after the Run For HOPE Gala, when Levi Rizk will begin his RUN ACROSS AMERICA, right here, in Huntington Beach, CA! Over 3,000 miles for the millions of children who hurt most.